
2024 CHINA Open World Horseback Archery Competition

WHAF | 기사입력 2024/10/05 [09:30]

2024 CHINA Open World Horseback Archery Competition

WHAF | 입력 : 2024/10/05 [09:30]


□ Name of the Competition : 2024 CHINA Open World Horseback Archery Competition

□ Date and Time : December 10-15, 2024


□ Venue : Chengfeng Base, Shenzhen Shangwu International Equestrian Horseback Archery Academy

□ Application Guide : WHAF Online System

   ※ Entry by Number means that each country first applies for the number of participants. Entry by Name means that the list of actual participants is applied for.


□ Target Participants :  Over 20 countries and more than 130(Youth 30, Adult 100) competitors in world mounted archery.

□ Purpose and Objectives : Through these competitions, people from diverse cultural backgrounds can learn, exchange, and understand each other, fostering friendship and cooperation among nations. The competitive nature and exchange in these competitions encourage athletes to strive for excellence, driving continuous improvement in horseback archery techniques.

□ Address: Yuhaiwan Resort, Shenzhen Shenshan Cooperation Zone, Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China

□ Organizing Body :

  • Guiding Units: WHAF World Horseback Archery Federation, China Ethnic Minorities Sports Association, China Equestrian Association, Guangdong Equestrian Association, Horse Culture Committee of the China Ethnic Minorities Sports Association, Guangdong Equestrian Association Mounted Archery Committee
  • Organizer: Shenzhen Shenshan Cooperation Zone Management Committee
  • Supporting Units: Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism
  • Undertaking Unit: Public Utilities Bureau of the Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone
  • Executing Unit: Shenzhen Shangwu International Equestrian Horseback Archery Academy





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