
Lisa Lents has been appointed Chair of Social Media of ETU

Seok-mu Mason KWON | 기사입력 2023/11/23 [12:21]

Lisa Lents has been appointed Chair of Social Media of ETU

Seok-mu Mason KWON | 입력 : 2023/11/23 [12:21]

▲ (Letf) Ms. Edina Lents (Right) Lisa Lents sisters have been practicing Taekwondo for nearly 26 years    ©Seok-mu Mason KWON


Lisa Lents, who is the Chair of the Women Committee of the World Martial Arts Masterships Committee (President Si-jong LEE, WMC), has been appointed as the Chair of Social Media Committee of the European Taekwondo Union (President Sakis Pragalos, ETU).


On Wednesday, the 1st November (Local Time), ETU sent a letter stating that Lisa Lents would be appointed as the Chair of Social Media Committee under article of the statutes. The appointment is effective immediately and ends on the day of the General Assembly of ETU in 2025.


Chair Lisa Lents trained Taekwondo from the age of 18 years old and won the 2004 Korea Open Junior and the 2005 European Championships as a gold medalist, and then was selected as Miss Denmark in 2008. In addition, She is a goodwill-ambassador of the World Taekwondo (President Dr. Chungwon CHOUE, WT) and is engaged in Taekwondo and broadcasting activities at the same time, such as serving as an international Taekwondo referee.

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