
The General Assembly of UTS-KOREA, Dreaming of Realizing United Through Sports

UTS-KOREA held ‘2024 General Assembly and Appointment Ceremony’ at Gang-seo University in Seoul, South Korea

권석무 기자 | 기사입력 2024/05/29 [23:05]

The General Assembly of UTS-KOREA, Dreaming of Realizing United Through Sports

UTS-KOREA held ‘2024 General Assembly and Appointment Ceremony’ at Gang-seo University in Seoul, South Korea

권석무 기자 | 입력 : 2024/05/29 [23:05]

▲ 2024 UTS-KOREA General Assembly and Appointment Ceremony at Gang-seo University, in Seoul Metropolitan, Republic of Korea on Saturday, the 25th May. [Source from= UTS-KOREA]     ©Seok-mu Mason KWON


The General Assembly of UTS-KOREA, that dreams of realizing “United Through Sports(UTS)”, was held at Gang-seo University, in Seoul metropolitan, Republic of Korea on Saturday, the 25th May.


UTS-KOREA (President Jong-cheol WU, Chairman Chang-jin LIM) was established in 2021 as a South Korean charity organization authorized by UTS (President Dr. Stephan FOX, CEO Julia GOVINDEN), that was founded in 2017 to deliver hopes and dreams to teenagers around the world through sports.


UTS anually organizes the ‘World Youth Festival & Summit,’ which was born under the sponsorships of the Alliance of Independent Recognized Members of Sports (President Dr. Stephan FOX, AIMS) under the International Olympic Committee (President Thomas Bach, IOC) and SportAccord (President Uğur Erdener, Former GAISF). It is also establishing the cooperative relationships with UNESCO, Special Olympics International, International Paralympic Committee (IPC), Generation for Peace, Peace & Sport, Right to Play, World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and IOC Young Leaders.


▲ (Left) Advisor AHN, who is CEO of DAEWOO Fashion Group, (Right) Advisor LEE, who is the 21st & 22nd member of Korean National Assembly. [Source from= UTS-KOREA]     ©Seok-mu Mason KWON


At this general assembly, UTS-KOREA appointed new technical directors, including executive board members. During the general assembly, the executives, that President WU personally delivered the appointment letter, were Senior Vice-President Dr. Keon-sik HEO, Vice-President Prof. Dr. Seong-bae KONG, Advisory Commissioner Dr. Nam-seok SEONG, Advisor Byeong-cheon AHN, Advisor Yong-seon LEE.


Advisor AHN is an businessman serving as the CEO of the DAEWOO Fashion Group, Chairman of the International Model Association, United Nations Peace and International Exchange Organization, UNESCO World Heritage Exhibition Organizing Committee. Advisor LEE is the 21st member of Korean National Assembly (Democratic Party·[constituencies] Seoul Yangcheon) and elected as the 22nd member of Korean National Assembly at last April. Advisory Commissioner Dr. SEONG is a rehabilitation medical doctor serving as the head of Seoul Big Tree Hospital.


▲ (Left) Senior Vice-President Dr. HEO, who is an executive board member of the World Martial Arts Masterships Committee (WMC), (Right) Vice-President Prof. Dr. KONG, who is a vice-dean of Martial Arts College, Yong-in University. [Source from= UTS-KOREA]     ©Seok-mu Mason KWON


Senior Vice-President Dr. HEO is serving as a executive board member of the World Martial Arts Masterships Committee (President Si-jong LEE, WMC), and Vice-President Prof. Dr. KONG is serving as vice-dean of Martial Arts College, Yong-in University (President Dr. Jin-su HAN).


▲ Chairman LIM of UTS-KOREA, said greeting speech at 2024 General Assembly and Appointment Ceremony. [Source from= UTS-KOREA]     ©Seok-mu Mason KWON


Chairman LIM of UTS-KOREA, said at the general assembly, “Despite being established in 2021, it is true that external performance of UTS-KOREA has been insufficient so far due to the big obstacle of COVID-19. I hope that UTS-KOREA will take a full-fledged leap forward through the activities of the technical directors that appointed at this general assembly.”

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