
Turkmenistan Gov. make sure to take care of their Kurash Champions

World Kurash Champions, and Coaches awarded Cars as Prize

권석무 기자 | 기사입력 2023/12/31 [14:01]

Turkmenistan Gov. make sure to take care of their Kurash Champions

World Kurash Champions, and Coaches awarded Cars as Prize

권석무 기자 | 입력 : 2023/12/31 [14:01]

▲ The Turkmenistan government awarded cars as prizes to its gold-medalists of the "14th World Senior Kurash Championships" held in their country. [Source from= International Kurash Association (IKA)]     ©Seok-mu Mason KWON


The prizes that awarded by the Turkmenistan government to its their Kurash World Champions are a hot topic.


On Thursday, the 28th December, a special event was held at the central exhibition hall in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, to deliver prizes to the winners (gold-medalists), and coaches of the ‘14th World Senior Kurash Championship’.


From 23rd to 28th November, the ‘14th World Senior Kurash Championships (here-in-after referred to as the ‘World Championships’)’ of the International Kurash Association (President Haider FARMAN, IKA) were held at the Martial Arts complex of the Ashgabat Olympic Village, Turkmenistan. The President of the Republic of Turkmenistan, His Excellency. Serdar BERDYMUKHAMEDOV, signed the relevant decree on awarding the winners and coaches of the 14th World Championships.


According to the decree, 5 gold-medalists of World Championships were awarded Toyota Fortuner, 2 coaches of the national team were awarded Toyota Camry, silver and bronze-medalists also were awarded cash prizes.


▲ President of IKA, Haider FARMAN and Secretary-General of IKA, Reza NASSIRI took a commemorative photo with five gold-medalists and coaches who were awarded automobile prizes. [Source from= International Kurash Association (IKA)]     ©Seok-mu Mason KWON


The President of the IKA, Haider FARMAN, Secretary General of IKA, Reza NASSIRI, Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Ministers, Representatives of the state and the public, Ambassadors of foreign countries, Representatives of the diplomatic corps and mass media took part in it.


President of IKA, Haider FARMAN said “The government of Turkmenistan and directly head of the state, Serdar BERDYMUKHAMEDOV is creating huge opportunities in this system to popularize Kurash at the state level in order to develop a healthy lifestyle in the country. Today, the dreams of many athletes are coming true. They are being awarded with unforgettable gifts that will cause radical changes in their life. We highly appreciate the efforts made by His Excellency the President and wish everyone a Happy New Year.”


Kurash is a traditional martial art and wrestling sport of Uzbekistan, and the International Kurash Association (IKA) was established in 1998 to promote globalization. Kurash, which was adopted as an official sport for the ‘2018 Jakarta-Palembang Summer Asian Games,’ continues to maintain its official sport status at the ‘2026 Aichi-Nagoya Summer Asian Games’ following the ‘2022 Hangzhou Summer Asian Games.’


▲ Prize vehicles provided by the government of Turkmenistan to five Kurash gold-medalists. [Source from= International Kurash Association (IKA)]     ©Seok-mu Mason KWON


▲ The other silver and bronze-medalists of World Championships were given a prize money. [Source from= International Kurash Association (IKA)]     ©Seok-mu Mason KWON

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