
New Year's address from IFMA 2024

Wishes 152 Member Countries Happy Holidays and a Healthy New Year

권석무 기자 | 기사입력 2023/12/31 [16:12]

New Year's address from IFMA 2024

Wishes 152 Member Countries Happy Holidays and a Healthy New Year

권석무 기자 | 입력 : 2023/12/31 [16:12]

▲ New Year's address from IFMA 2024  © 권석무 기자


Dear IFMA Family,


As the year is coming to an end, we would like to send you our warmest wishes for the ones who celebrate Christmas and certainly a happy and healthy New Year.


I think we can look back to another year with great pride for the IFMA Family especially our athletes which have stood in solidarity during the pandemic and the IFMA response from all stakeholders to all the challenges and adversity.


There are so many fantastic events to mention including The World Combat Games in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which for the first time, muaythai was all inclusive, the Senior World Championships in Thailand, the Youth World Championships in Turkey, the European Games in Poland, all the continental events, the recognition by UCSA in Africa, the launch of our successful OSM education program around the world and the list goes on.


Thank you to all of you, the IFMA Family, including the national federations, the continental federations, the IFMA Executives, the officials and the commissions.


We are living in challenging times with political tensions, the many conflicts and poverty but the IFMA Family, especially our athletes, have proven and demonstrated to all of us the best that humankind can be if we stand and live together as one family and stand together for peace and our youth, as always, touch our hearts and inspire us to work even harder.


The IFMA values make us proud to be IOC recognized and the ancient principles of respect, excellence, honor, fair play and tradition make muaythai and IFMA so unique.


The IFMA Family will continue to work as one towards a better tomorrow through the power of muaythai.


In this Muaythai Spirit, we wish you a healthy and happy 2024.


In Sporting Wishes,


Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan

IFMA President


Somchart Charoenwacharawit

IFMA Vice President


Charissa Tynan

IFMA Director General


Janice Lyn

IFMA Sport Director



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