
Taekkyeon is going to Vietnam following India!!

MOU was signed with HoChiMinh Branch of the Korean Sports Association in Vietnam, and a meeting with HoChiMinh Korean As

권석무 기자 | 기사입력 2024/02/01 [17:05]

Taekkyeon is going to Vietnam following India!!

MOU was signed with HoChiMinh Branch of the Korean Sports Association in Vietnam, and a meeting with HoChiMinh Korean As

권석무 기자 | 입력 : 2024/02/01 [17:05]

▲ (Left) Kyeong-tae JANG, senior vice-president of Korea Taekkyeon Federation (Right) Kyeong-chang MIN of HoChiMinh Branch of the Korean Sports Association in Vietnam. [Source from= Korea Taekkyeon Federation (KTF)]     ©Seok-mu Mason KWON


The Korea Taekkyeon Association (President Il-jae LEE, KTF) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the HoChiMinh branch of the Korean Sports Association in Vietnam (President Kyeong-chang MIN, here-in-after referred to as HoChiMihn Branch). At the same time, KTF took the first step toward the globalization of K-Sports Teakkyeon in 2024 through a meeting with HoChiMinh Korean Association (President In-seon SON).


On Monday the 29th January (local time), a MOU signing ceremony between the KTF and HoChiMinh Branch was held in Vietnam. On this day, the two organizations promised a business agreement based on the contents of ▲Promoting projects to spread and revitalize Taekkyeon in Vietnam ▲Establishing the Taekkyeon Association in Vietnam etc.


President MIN, of the HoChiMinh Branch, said, “We are striving to exchange with related sports in order to revitalize organizations under the HoChiMinh Branch of the Korea Sports Association in Vietnam. I hope this MOU will pave the way for Teakkyeon to establish itself in Vietnam and move on to the world.”


On Tuesday the 30th January (local time), a meeting with the HoChiMinh Korean Association was held at the Consulate Genereal of the Republic of Korea in HoChiMinh (Consulate General Chung-il SHIN). President SON, of the HoChiMinh Korean Association, said, “Before I became president, I worked hard on the estalishment of the Korean Sports Association in Vietnam and served as president of the HoChiMinh Branch, so I am more interested in sports than anyone else. We will contribute to the supply of Vietnamese Taekkyeon.”


▲ The officials who participated at the meeting between Korea Taekkyeon Federation and HoChiMinh Korean Association. [Source from= Korea Taekkyeon Federation (KTF)]     ©Seok-mu Mason KWON


On the same day, the KTF appointed Mr. Geun-il LEE, who majored in Taekkeyon at Yong-in University (President Jin-su HAN) and is currently a businessman in Vietnam, as the chairman of the establishment promotion committee for the Vietnam Taekkyeon Association. Starting with the distribution of Taekkyeon in HoChiMinh City, that is economic city and the number one population city in Vietnam, the plan is promote memberships of the Vietnam Olympic Committee (President Van Hung NGUYEN, VOC).


Kyeong-tae JANG, who is a senior vice-president of KTF, said, “Through this MOU signing and meeting, we have received great support for improving the international recognition and globalization of Taekkyeon. Starting with the holding of Teakkyeon International Seminar, the Aisan Taekkyeon Championships and the VOC will be promoted without difficulty.” he was expressing confidence.


For the first time since Taekwondo, the KTF succeeded in joining the Olympic Committee of Uttar Pradesh, India, at last year.

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